About Me


On one college application, the board of admissions got a little playful. Wedged in between questions on GPA and declared majors, the application asked, “if you were to describe yourself using three words, what would the three words be?” So cheeky. Out of all the questions on the applications (the more important ones) I lingered on this one the longest. Eventually, I jotted down improviserconversationalist, and flâneur. I did not get into that school. 

            I must’ve shoplifted the word flâneur out of some pretentious film when I was thirteen. Ever since then, I’ve carried it around with me, trying to seem pretentious myself. I flaunt it when I want to come across as well read and worldly. I casually describe myself as a flâneur to peers who, hopefully, roll their eyes. There’s really no excuse for using a nineteenth century, French word to describe yourself — unless you’re being pretentious. In that case, you’re a coq.

April 20, 2022

Ben Fallaci is a Los Angeles based comedian.